Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just for Fun

Just for fun I've decide to follow people on Twitter with the same name..

Today I picked Sarah Eve & Ronald Smith...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Day Another Dollar

Well it's been quite an eventful day today..

After an extremely stressful day at work, I've managed to get two articles published today on Triond, and I've just submitted a third (pending approval).

So far, after 22 articles and 3 months of submissions, I've earned $1!!

I think that's quite an achievement.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How to Boost Your Writing Portfolio

Please read one of my latest articles to help you boost your writing portfolio...


Who is Olivia Van Logum?

Welcome to my new blog - and as the title suggests it's all about me! But who am I?

My name is Olivia Van Logum, and I am a writer. I've written several articles, which you can find on the internet; several short stories & I've also written a couple of books.

In addition to my writing, I have also devised several television programme concepts, which are currently under review by some of the leading television network companies (MTV, Spike Digital Entertainment, HBO & Fox Television to name but a few).

I've not currently got an agent so if anyone is interested, please let me know!