Sunday, December 27, 2009

Developing a Successful Pay Per Click Formula

Here is an article regarding how to use Pay Per Click (PPC) successfully!

Developing a Successful Pay Per Click Formula

Hope this helps..


Poor Keywords Equates to Poor Adsense Conversion!

Here is a short article which will help you to get the best out of Adsense.

Poor Keywords Equates to Poor Adsense Conversion!

I hope you find it useful..


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Christmas & New Year!

Considering the last year has been very stressful and I've been poorer than I ever have been in my entire life - I've had an absolutely wonderful Christmas!

Stripping away all of the glitz and commercialism of Christmas, has made me sit down and think how lucky I actually am. I feel incredibly grateful for having such wonderful supportive and loving friends & family and I feel thankful for simply being alive.

So I truly hope that you too have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Lots of love


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brittany Murphy - Death by Hollywood?

I was very sad to hear about the sudden death of Hollywood actress, Brittany Murphy, and I felt compelled to write an article about it.

I believe that Hollywood has contributed to her premature death, and I think it's time that Hollywood/the media/women's magazines, should now start taking responsibility of the "perfect" image that they promote, to young impressionable men and women.

Brittany Murphy - Death by Hollywood?

I hope you enjoy the article..


Friday, December 11, 2009

Simple & Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Site

As promised, please see my latest article (no secrecy) about how to help increase traffic to your article/blog/website.

Hope it helps!

Simple & Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Site

Take care


Monday, December 07, 2009

Traffic Secrets?

What is it with regards to generating and driving traffic to your articles or blog? Why is it so secretive? Why do some many people want to share the secret with you, but only if you are willing to pay, $10, $50 or even $100?

I do find it really frustrating! I've been fumbling my way around blogger, stumbleupon, digg and various other social network sites - and I'm finally starting to make some headway... but it's taken me ages!

I'd like to think that I'm quite a smart person, but I have found the whole process a steep learning curve - and the fact that I have managed to work anything out is something short of a miracle!

I think that I will write an article which is FREE - yes FREE, so that nobody else has to go through the horrible painstaking trauma of having to work out everything on your own!

Once it's written, I'll provide a link to my site.

Watch this space...

Thursday, December 03, 2009

My Angry Protest to Barclaycard & Barclays Banks

I had been having a really good week with my writing, until I got sidetracked by Barclays Bank & Barclaycard - I am so angry that they have taken money without my authorisation, that I dropped my work on a series of marketing articles, and decided to write the following protest letter, accompanied with it's own musical video!

My Angry Protest to Barclaycard & Barclays Banks

I hope you enjoy the video... but to also back up my protest, I've created a Facebook Group as well - Frustrated Unhappy Customers Unite! or F.U.C.U! for short.

Please feel free to join and vent your own frustrations at poor customer service or being overcharged... or better still, name and shame the culprits!

Look forward to reading your comments.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

PR Update

I've put my PR plan into effect, and I am trying to get some assistance... only time will tell if it works.

However, I have had an offer from my friend "Papa Lazarou" on Twitter, who is offering to help me find an agent! Not sure if he's serious or whether he's yanking my chain - but we shall see!

I'll keep you posted with my progress!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Selling My Soul... Well Loaning It Out!

I really would like to become a published author, so I had considered selling my soul to the Devil to get my wish...

However, as I'm a coward and do not want to burn in Hell for all eternity, I decided that I would loan out part of my soul instead.

I've retained 51% share (obviously I've watched Dragons Den, so I don't want to be governed by a group of individuals with a higher share than myself), and the remaining 49% I'm giving away on Facebook and Twitter..

Hopefully one of the people that picks up a share may know someone who is a literary agent.. you never know!

Lets see what happens anyway..

If you would like a piece of my soul for your own, please visit: "I Own A Piece Of Olivia Van Logum's Soul" group on Facebook!

Will keep you updated with my progress.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Favourite Comedians

As Winter really starts to set in, and I end up going to work when it's dark, and return when it's dark, I really want something to cheer me up.

I thought I would write an article about my favourite comedians, accompanied with a Youtube clip of them at work.

All of the comedians can also be found on Twitter, so I've provided their Twitter ID's as well.

Hope you enjoy the article!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Latest Article -

Please read my latest article - complete with my own video!

Really enjoyed putting the video together, it was very therapeutic!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

My First "Advert"

I've had a lot of fun today, trying to create my own "advert", using Windows Movie Maker! I've just uploaded it onto You Tube.

It's the first time I've ever used Windows Movie Maker, so my first effort is a little bit crude - but I like it...

I'm hoping that it might generate a little bit of interest in my writing work - who knows who might happen to find it!

I'm thinking of creating a second "advert" from a PR perspective, but I'll do that later on this week.

Hope you like it!

Take care



Thursday, October 29, 2009

Triond & Google Adsense

I've had such a busy week at work, I've not had the opportunity to do as much writing as I'd like to have done.. I also haven't been able to put my "master plan" into action with trying to get PR representation (which I'm a little bit disappointed about).

I normally get to log onto my personal email on my lunchbreak at work, but as I've been dealing with several escalated orders, I've been working through my lunch.

So imagine my surprise when I logged on tonight, when I got a lovely email from Triond advising that they have now linked up with Google Adsense!

I'm quite excited, as I'm hoping that this will help to boost my earning potential.

I'll keep posting updates to see if Google Adsense is all it's cracked up to be.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Very Excited!

I am feeling in a much more positive mood today... I had a bit of a Eureka moment just before I went to bed last night, and I feel very, very excited about it!

I don't want to give too much away at the moment, but if my idea works, I might be able to secure a PR team to help launch my writing career (or even better still get my tv concept(s) off the ground).

If I can get this to work, I will be absolutely over the moon!

Watch this space...

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Ex-Factor

In 1996 after 4 miserable years of marriage, I finally plucked up the courage to divorce my controlling husband.

During our marriage, he was a serial adulterer, and on more than one occasion attacked me. One extremely violent time he even tried to strangle me - so the sensible option was to get out while I still could.

During the divorce proceedings, he used scare tactics to try and get me to change my mind. He and his friends, called me up at all hours of the day and night, with a view of talking me around and to stop the divorce. He then started to turn up outside of my house, trying to speak to me.

It got so bad, that I eventually had to go into hiding. Restraining orders had to be put into place, and my husband was also put onto the Interpol register. I changed my name by deed poll and moved to a different country until the divorce had been finalised.

After 6 years abroad, I returned to the UK believing I was safe - only to discover that he found out I returned and tried to talk me into trying again!

By this time I had met someone else, and was looking to get back into a serious relationship. I again, moved to a new area and for a further 6 years I have been really happy, I'm engaged and I've got a great job.

Imagine my shock, when I checked my emails yesterday, only to discover that my ex had emailed me to ask me how I am keeping and hopes that I am well.

It's now been almost 13 years since I have been divorced and yet he still trying to play his mind games! I can't understand why after all this time he hasn't moved on with his life. Why does he feel that he has to continually pester me?

It has taken many years to put the past behind me - I even wrote a self help book as therapy, to help get through the whole procedure - but it's now as if he is deliberately trying to bring all of my bad memories to the surface again.

I feel angry that he is stil trying to interfere in my life - especially now that I am happy and settled - but I feel even more angry at myself, for allowing him to stir up the resentment inside me.

My initial reaction to his email was to tell him to f**k off - but then I thought it would be what he would want - to spark a reaction and to get me to engage in conversation. Instead I decided to simply delete his email and ignore him.

Hopefully he will get the message and not contact me again, otherwise I may have to look into getting more restraining orders again..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Motivation To Succeed

I've always wanted to be a published writer, but of late I have had more of an urge to make this a reality..

My fiance has been diagnosed with a rare spinal condition and chronic arthritis in his hip. The spinal condition is inoperable, but his quality of life would be vastly improved by having a hip replacement operation.

The cost of the operation is £20,000 - which, unfortunately I do not have to hand. Therefore, I have decided to try and press ahead with getting an agent and maybe a contract to earn this much needed revenue.

I'll keep you updated with my progress..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Very Productive Day

I feel like I've had a really productive day today. I've written and submitted a new article to Triond (I'm just waiting for confirmation that it's been published). I have received approximately 50 new follows in a 24 hour period on Twitter, and I have started to update my Stumbleupon account with some of my previously published work.

Yes it's hard work, yes I'm tired - but if I can fulfill my dream of becoming a published full time writer, it will all be worth it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Great Twitter Follows for Writers

As you will see I am fairly new to using Blogger & Twitter as my posts tend to be erratic.

The reason being is due to the fact that I sometimes find it hard to motivate myself, due to working long hours. I have unwittingly fallen into the trap of writing as much as can, when I can - but then I neglect to try and find myself an agent. Going back a year, I was contacting literary agents, but spent so much time and effort doing this, that I wasn't writing as much!

In an effort to try and get the balance correct, I've started researching the Internet to try and find contacts on Twitter, so that I can write & get my name known at the same time...

On my first search, I've found an extremely interesting website, with 25 suggestions of authors/publishers/literary agents to follow.

If you are interested either click on the title link or copy and paste the below link:

A big thank you to Maria Schneider, for making this information available!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm In the Money..

Well I've now almost made $5 using Triond! I'm well chuffed.. :OD

Ok, so it's not a retirement amount of money, but its a start. I've still not established how some articles have managed to get a reading of upwards of 50,000 viewings... my most popular article has been read 297 times, and that's been over a 6 month period.

I'm hoping that I can crack (or stumble)across how this achieved, and then hopefully my earnings will skyrocket..

If anyone who is reading my blog has achieved readings of their article of over 20,000 viewings, please let me know, as I'm interested on how to increase my following.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Motivation & Inspiration

I have a problem when I am writing... I either have inspiration for a great article, but lack the motivation to write it... or I have lots of motivation to write an article, and then have no inspiration!

I have to try and get the balance right!

Any suggestions to help resolve my problem would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just for Fun

Just for fun I've decide to follow people on Twitter with the same name..

Today I picked Sarah Eve & Ronald Smith...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Day Another Dollar

Well it's been quite an eventful day today..

After an extremely stressful day at work, I've managed to get two articles published today on Triond, and I've just submitted a third (pending approval).

So far, after 22 articles and 3 months of submissions, I've earned $1!!

I think that's quite an achievement.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How to Boost Your Writing Portfolio

Please read one of my latest articles to help you boost your writing portfolio...

Who is Olivia Van Logum?

Welcome to my new blog - and as the title suggests it's all about me! But who am I?

My name is Olivia Van Logum, and I am a writer. I've written several articles, which you can find on the internet; several short stories & I've also written a couple of books.

In addition to my writing, I have also devised several television programme concepts, which are currently under review by some of the leading television network companies (MTV, Spike Digital Entertainment, HBO & Fox Television to name but a few).

I've not currently got an agent so if anyone is interested, please let me know!